Awful Shit: Creepy Custom Mail Order Sex Dolls
Are you looking for a high-end life-size silicone doll and/or photographic model? If the answer is 'yes' then a DS Doll might be right up your alley.

Down in front Iron Man!

Down in front Iron Man!

Full disclosure, sex dolls creep me out. But if sex dolls are your thing you should check out DS Dolls. "The realistic style body includes the 158cm, 158plus and 167cm bodies, a full voluptuous style. These bodies are modelled [sic] by a real actress and keep most of the body details 158cm body is with small breast (about C cup) and 158plus body is with big breast plump type (about E cup), 167cm doll is reality of beautification type. She is a realistic and lifelike style (about D cup), they all can be fixed position, with replaceable entry." 

You had me at "replaceable entry".

Lots of styles and body types to choose from.

Lots of styles and body types to choose from.

Got a Halloween / Pumpkin Fetish? Let me introduce "Pumpkin"

Got a Halloween / Pumpkin Fetish? Let me introduce "Pumpkin"

USA Soccer? Give me a fucking break.

USA Soccer? Give me a fucking break.

Actually Customer Photo (J.F. Sebastian Collection).

Actually Customer Photo (J.F. Sebastian Collection).

From the "Mini" Collection - Yeah, this isn't creepy at all.

From the "Mini" Collection - Yeah, this isn't creepy at all.

The Bones Edition

The Bones Edition

Here's Leo!

Here's Leo!

Who's ready to buy!?!

Who's ready to buy!?!

"Supermodel" Jiaxin (stuffed robot sold separately)

"Supermodel" Jiaxin (stuffed robot sold separately)

Reminds me of The Police song "Sally"

"Experience something different
With our new imported toy,
She's loving, warm, inflatable
And a guarantee of joy"

She came all wrapped in cardboard,
All pink and shriveled down
A breath of air was all she needed
To make her lose that frown

I took her to the bedroom
And pumped her with some life,
And later in a moment
That girl became my wife

And so I sit her in the corner
And sometimes stroke her hair
And when I'm feeling naughty
I blow her up with air"

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