Two TGirls Vol. 1
The World’s first and only Tgirl on Tgirl porn site with 4K Video, Two Tgirls has inked an exclusive distribution deal with VIP Digital Media.

Los Angeles: The World’s first and only Tgirl on Tgirl porn site with 4K Video, Two Tgirls has inked an exclusive distribution deal with VIP Digital Media. Theagreement encompasses DVD, VOD, Broadcast and Licensing both Foreign and Domestic.

 According to Two Tgirls / Mars Media, LLC CEO Mayumi Sparkles,“We have been thrilled with the rapid growth of our membership site since we launched in March of 2016.Taking this next step was something we had been considering for some time.After speaking with Lynton and David several times before the Holidays, it wasapparent how much they believed in our content and shared our same futurevision. The timing was perfect and we are excited to work as a team to helpbring both of our Companies to the next level.”

 “Since the launch of we have believed in providing thevery best in quality for Tgirl on Tgirl porn. It starts with using the rightequipment during a shoot and it ends at our customers web browser and now toDVD. All of our videos are available in several formats, we offer videos in 4K,1080p, 720p, and 480p. The new 4K video standard is growing and chances are ifyou’ve bought a new television in the past 6 months it may support 4K video. Ithas exactly 4x as many pixels as 1080p videos, which means it has 4x as muchdetail to it and appears 4x more life like.”

“Ourwebsite is fully responsive, meaning that it will work on your desktop, laptop,mobile phone, tablet, smart TV, or any other modern device you can come up withthat is capable of playing mp4 video. Being able to stream or download yourfavorite movies and view photos in any of the formats we support is importantto us and our customers appreciate it.” she added.

VIP Digital Media Sales Manager David Peskinsaid “I had been watching this site for a while. The quality of the content,camerawork, lighting, original music; the entire production value is a real eyeopener. Two Tgirls is the best Lynton and I have seen in this genre! Mayumi andthe entire team at Mars Media have been an absolute pleasure work with. We arethrilled to introduce this product into the marketplace.”

Both Companies announced at press time thefirst DVD, ‘Two Tgirls Volume 1’  will arrive in stores the end ofFebruary.

Every scene has a feature story line;vignette and the DVD also includes a rare Tgirl 3some. Directed By MayumiSparkles, the movie stars Casey Kisses, Korra Del Rio, Jenny Flowers, Kira Crash, Sydney Farron, Chelsea Marie, Jelena Vermillion,Candi McBride and Michelle Firestone.

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